If you subscribe to dish tv you can use the dish anywhere app to watch dish anywhere. Thats how my buddy watched tv for over a year was by using my account. At the home you will use the dish but getr everything over the internet with the anywhere package. Check it out. If you go that way I will send you my acct number and we will both get $100. Its a $10 dollar credit for 10 months. I would have to look up exactly what we are paying but it is less than $100 with a mid level package and DVR with 2 tv's. but we have negotiated away or severely ccurtailed a few price increases. You just have to ask for a disconnect and suddenly everything changes. When they don't cooperate I will switch back to direct and get all the new customer goodies. Of course we get Spectrum internet for like $80 buck a month.
I forgot that you have to ask and pay extra for the "local channels" but my bill incudes them.