Off-Topic: Changes Blowing In The Wind
(Deer Point Lake Specific)
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Updated 2/16/2011
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Updated 3/11/2025 10:44:54 PM
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Updated 9/14/2024 10:10:50 AM
(Deer Point Lake Specific)
1 messages
Updated 2/16/2011
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Updated 12/20/2024 5:31:50 PM
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Updated 12/27/2024 2:34:38 AM
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Updated 6/26/2024 5:03:03 AM
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Changes Blowing In The Wind
10/3/2024 9:35:36 PM
I believe there are circumstances, beyond the obvious rape and incest considerations, where termination of a pregnancy might be the humane move for the sake of the unborn. Let's say the child, were it to be carried to term and born, would face a life of excruciating pain and discomfort and an early death - with no realistic chance of a medical breakthrough that would reverse that condition. I would ask: Would it not be in the best interest of that child to take the one action that would prevent its being put through the pain, misery, and early death associated with that condition? Is the Christian (or Godly) thing to do to allow the child to be born under those conditions and suffer accordingly?
Food for thought.