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Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Terrible jobs report just released*
Date:   2/3/2012 9:30:46 AM

* At least for most of the posters from Lake Martin!

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Its a complete scam
Date:   2/3/2012 9:47:08 AM

Archie, its no surprise that you would post this even if it demonstrates your ignorance. As reported by the CBO the actual unemployment number is 10% and not 8.3%. We are now at the lowest labor participation rate in 30 years at 63.7% which is a frigging disaster. These fictitious numbers are a result of having removed 1.2 million from the calculation because they have given up looking for work!!!! Wake up and pull your head out of your ideological rear end. The Messiah has been an unmitigated disaster for employment, especially in the black community and with the young. Honestly, the invincible ignorance of libtards is so hard to take at times. I would be thrilled if actual unemployment had fallen to 8.3% regardless of whether it helps Obama or not. But it is shockingly awful that 1/3rd of the available workforce in this country have simply given up ever finding a job. How you can be happy about that is beyond me. I know you went to government schools so you are economically illiterate but for crying out loud, you are an adult aren't you? You do have a shred of intellectual curiosity don't you? Now I understand why Oblamer got elected in the first place with the mental midgets that would actually crow about these awful numbers.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Bottom line...
Date:   2/3/2012 10:21:16 AM

There are 250,000+ Americans working in PRIVATE sector jobs today that weren't working a month ago, plus the November and December numbers were adjusted sharply upward. Your condescending rant demonstrates why the Jokes forum offers more "light" than this one. BTW, and be honest, what would your reply to this report be if all facts were exactly the same but the President had an "R" beside his name?

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Not the bottom line......
Date:   2/3/2012 10:28:07 AM

The increase in private sector jobs is indeed the only good news in the jobs report but its not nearly enough. Did you even read what I wrote? Do you understand simple English? If you think this jobs report is anything other than disastrous you are truly intellectually vapid or maybe all that you know comes from the government media which is the definition of a modern day libtard.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   And by the way
Date:   2/3/2012 10:32:39 AM

Your question about my response if the President had an r by its name is hypothetical and not worth answering. That would be like asking, if the sun rose in the west and set in the east would you react that way with a Republican President? Considering nothing this disastrous has ever happened under a Republican administration I would have to respond that I will cross that bridge if I ever come to it. But all the disasters like like this have been under FDR, Carter and Oblamer so its moot. But if it does happen, which it won't because they are too competent, and I don't react negatively you can call me out. But don't hold your breath......

Name:   comrade - Email Member
Subject:   Bottom line...
Date:   2/3/2012 10:35:17 AM

On our local front then, it's safe to assume that Alabama's new immigration law has had nothing to do with our reduced un-employment numbers?
I'll bet those numbers would be even lower (because of the great economy) if that law was not in place.....

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Archie back to jokes section where its fact free
Date:   2/3/2012 11:30:36 AM

Archie, I notice that once I pointed out the factual basis for why this jobs report is both a scam and a disaster I notice you have gone silent as usual. Returned to the jokes section where you belong? Maybe if you had the courage you might explain to us right wingers why its good for America that 1/3rd of its available workforce has given up ever finding a job. Why is it good for America that we are back to an employment pool that is the same as 30 years ago when we had 80 million fewer citizens? Explain to us how 1,200,000 Americans dropping out of the labor force in one month is good for this country. Why is it good for America that over 50% of its black youth are unemployed? Come on Archie, even GF is not so ideological that he would not take that challenge. I dare you to explain to me how any one of these awful things are good for America. They may be good for Obama but not the country. Got the guts to answer or are you back reading jokes? Interestingly, if the Messiah can get BLR to reduce the labor workforce rate to 55% we can get the unemployment numbers back to where they were when he took office. And if you call that good for America I would call you unpatriotic. That's right, I said it and I mean it. Because what you would be saying is you would prefer that almost half of the available workforce in this country totally give up on ever finding a job just so Obama can be reelected. To me, nothing could ever be more disgusting than that. I have become accustomed to libtards seeing bad news for America as good news for them. We saw that in spades during the Bush administration with the daily body count that magically ended January 21, 2009.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Yes MM...
Date:   2/3/2012 11:49:16 AM

I do speak fairly good English and I did read your, whether you like it or not....THERE ARE A QUARTER MILLION AMERICANS COLLECTING PAYCHECKS THIS MONTH THAT WERE NOT DOING SO A MONTH AGO...period / exclamation point. So get off your high horse and get over it MM, the shock of this will wear off in a day or two...I hope!

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   And by the way
Date:   2/3/2012 11:53:41 AM

MM, since you are still obviously drinking the Kool Aide, I've got a Gulffront lot in Nebraska I would love to talk to you about.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   A hopeless libtard
Date:   2/3/2012 5:55:46 PM

AND THERE ARE 1.2 MILLION PEOPLE WHO THE VERY SAME MONTH GAVE UP LOOKING FOR A JOB!!!!!! So almost five times as many people gave up looking for work as found it. If you find that to be good news you are truly hopeless libtard.

Name:   water_watcher - Email Member
Subject:   Bottom line...
Date:   2/3/2012 9:53:55 PM

I think it is great that the country grew those jobs.  Just think how good it could be if we had real policy 3 years ago where the country would be.   If you read and listen to the economist ... they attribute it to not repealing the Bush tax cuts.  Flash ... low taxes and looose monetary policy will stimulate the economy.

Thank God we did not give in to more wasteful "stimulus": spending that did not work the first time.

I am very happy for those that found jobs ... but we still have too many on government / tax payer hand outs and millions that have lost jobs since Oblamer took office.   Not to mention gas prices approaching 3x of what they were when he took office ... all because of his lack of energy policy.  

Name:   water_watcher - Email Member
Subject:   archie ...
Date:   2/3/2012 9:57:35 PM

where have you been for the 3 years of the poor reports ... why when you get 1 decent report ... but no where near where we should be 3 years after a recession ... you are pounding your chest ... very sad for you.   You should be thanking the GOP congress for not giving in to Oblamers destructive agenda any more ... that is contributing more than anything Oblamer has done.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Look it up WW.
Date:   2/3/2012 11:06:22 PM

The worst jobs reports were in the first couple of months of the Obama administration. Then things gradually began to turn. For months we still had job losses but each month they were a bit less than the month before. After about a year the horizontal axis of the graph was crossed and the monthly job report moved into the positive range. It has continued month by month to gradually improve. There was an occasional setback but the trajectory was a net upward path. In the last quarter the change has accelerated and now there are signs that the recovery is becoming quite robust. I know you don't like it but these are the facts. As I say WW...look it up.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Never mind Archie
Date:   2/4/2012 9:01:03 AM

It is abundantly obvious that there is no way to penetrate your libtard ignorance. I notice being the gutless wonder that you are that you chose not to answer any of my questions. Facts and logic are wasted on your type of intellect. I just pray I never have to enter any building you designed.....or maybe the engineer's were able to correct all the errors......who knwos.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Bottom line...FACTS
Date:   2/5/2012 8:53:47 AM

The net jobs loss in the last 3 years of Bush far exceeded the net job loss in the first 3 years of Obama. The last 2 years of Obama has seen the replacement of about 40% of the losses since the beginning of the recession in 2007. In fact we are approaching breakeven for the net loss / gain since Jan 20 2009.

Gas prices are approaching 2x what they were on Jan 20 2009

Both "sides" have an energy policy:
Repubs..."drill baby drill" period
 Obama and Dems...Drill carefully and encourage development of alternative sources
The reason we have no national policy in place is because neither side in Congress is willing to give an inch because they have to keep the support of their nutcase bolitical bases. We should be drilling more and giving the same tax benefits to alternative energy including nuclear as we do oil. Now I know you are going to jump up and down about the pipeline...well you get the Nebraska Assembly (overwhelmingly Republican) enthusiastically on board and then let's talk.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Oh and BTW
Date:   2/5/2012 9:05:30 AM

Forgot to mention...If the Bush tax cuts were such a driver of economic growth, please explain why the economic growth in the pre-recession years (2002 - 2007) immediately after the tax cuts was less than 25% of the growth for the years immediately following a tax increase (1993 - 2000)? Of course you can't forget that the worse recession in 3 generations happened after tax cuts. Oh yeah...forgive me, I forgot that was completely the fault of Barney Frank, a MINORITY member of the house banking committee and no fault of Phil Gramm who actually authored the deregulation of banking which led to the rush to give money to anybody with a pulse then pass the consequences several times down the line to somebody else after extracting your profits with each pass.

Name:   MAJ USA RET - Email Member
Subject:   Oh and BTW
Date:   2/5/2012 10:53:04 AM

Hmmm... I couldn't follow that.  How about some graphics?

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Bottom line...FACTS...THE NUMBERS
Date:   2/5/2012 11:08:48 AM

Here are the numbers WW

Jobs lost in the last 3 years of the Bush admin...........4,539,000
Jobs lost in the first 3 years of the Obama admin........3,680,000

Total jobs lost 2007 - Jan 2012   8,219,000

Job gains in the first 3 years of the Obama admin.......3,346,000  = 91% of jobs lost in Obama first 3 years
  = 40.7% of jobs lost in the recession have been
recovered and all of this recovery has been during
Obama admin

Now I make no claim that Obama's action have had anything to do with this and I make no claim that it might not have been worse or better had Obama not been president...I have no idea and neither do you. I simply place the numbers before you.

My personal belief is that what we are seeing is the natural effects of consumer capitalism (as opposed to Wall Street "move money around qand pocket the commissions/profits" capitalism) running its course. This recession was, more than any other, caused by ill advised economic changes but the recovery is progressing with little input one way or the other from non-economic (ie. political) forces.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   See post above
Date:   2/5/2012 11:27:45 AM

and read the political history of the 1990 's and early 2000's.

A recovery is under way but will be slower than we may like because this was a different animal from previous recessions. Most recessions have been mainly the result of depressed consumer spending. This time we had a banking/financial crisis caused by the collapse of the housing boom which was itself artificially created by the action of the banks. In most previous recessions it has been an increase in construction, especially housing, spending that began the recovery. Because of the real estate price drops and over-building, that option is not available to us this go-round. This recovery is being led by consumers who are simply buying new cars, washing machines, and sofas because their old ones are shot. Even then, they are only beginning to spend because there is finally some optimisim in the air in spite of the GOP's efforts to tamp it down.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Wrong again Archie
Date:   2/5/2012 5:43:38 PM

But I repeat myself over and over again when it comes to you.  The housing boom was caused by Fannie and Freddie distorting the free markets combined with HUD forcing banks to lend money to people who had no business owning a home and could not afford to pay it back.  You really do need some remedial education...........

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   MM...the truth hurts
Date:   2/5/2012 7:30:29 PM

Phil Gramm pushed through deregulation which had the banks falling all over themselves lending to for unwise projects and unqualified people because they knew they could bundle the bad paper with the good and sell it to others (Freddie and Fannie included) at a big profit. Some of the loan bundles changed hands double digit times with big profits at each change over. We very quickly became an economy largely tied to passing paper around rather than selling goods or services. HUD did restrict discrimanatory lending but specifically stated that nothing in the CRA required any lender to offer any loan to an unqualified borrower. They simply could no longer refuse a loan to a borrower who was qualified. The banks took the Gramm deregulation and the CRA and ran with it. As for borrowers who couldn't afford the loans...well as Billy Carter once said when asked whether he felt any guilt on accepting big speaking fees offered only because his brother was President "Well if they're dumb enough to offer me the money I'm smart enough to take it."

I discussed this a couple of years ago with a now retired community bank executive (a strong Republican BTW) who confirmed exactly what I describe above. Her own bank got burned by rushing, against the advice of several officers including her, to get on the gravy train through commercial construction loans in 2003 - 2006. They came back to bite them badly in 2008 - 2010. Even conservative economists, including McCain's own adviser during the campaign,  give basically the same opinion. Only Tea Party nuts, Wall Street bigs and the fringe crowd at Lake Martin try to pass the blame to the mostly blameless.

Now MM...I suggest you make an effort to educate yourself to the truth, remedial or otherwise!!

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Put up or shut up Archie
Date:   2/5/2012 10:57:44 PM

Give me the name of your alleged Republican friend.....c'mon you gutless wonder.  I want his name and contact information so I can talk to him.  I want to find out why he is so above reproach that he has the real story.  I want him to explain why the very well researched books and articles by insiders in government and banking are wrong.  Why he, above all of them is the all knowing and all wise.

C'mon Archie, put your money where your big mouth is and tell me who this all wise master of the universe is.  I want to talk to him.........  You can send me his name by private email.   I promise not to divulge his name.  I just want to talk to him and find out what he has to say.  I dare you to send it to me.....

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Date:   2/5/2012 11:08:00 PM

From Wikpedia you cherry picking numbskull.

Jobs created by G. W. Bush through September 2008  1.110M or +0.21%
Jobs lost under Oblamer through September 2011 -3.235M or -1.2%

See how cherry picking numbers is the strategy of the mind number libtard?  You really need to spend more time on websites other than pmsNBS and the Daily Kos.  They are too libtard to actually do real homework.

I thought since you disappeared Archie you had grown tired of being wrong......but I guess you as a libtard you have an unlimited abiltiy to be wrong.........don't make me do all your homework.....oh, wait a second....I forgot you went to a goverment school and probably your homework was crayon drawings.....

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Read MM
Date:   2/6/2012 7:30:42 AM (updated 2/6/2012 7:34:42 AM)

Cherry picking my fanny! I didn't say that the jobs lost during W's last 3 years was the net change in jobs. In my earlier post I give W credit for having a net gain (less than 25% than Clinton in spite of W's tax cuts) during his admin. The discussion was about losses from the start of the recession through the first months of Obama and the gains from the turn-around through today. I used 3 years in the comparison for Bush since that is how long Obama has been in office. Is such a comparative concept just to simple for your superior intellect to grasp?

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Shut up MM
Date:   2/6/2012 7:41:06 AM

Don't burst a carotid! The friend is a she and I have no intention of giving you her name. If you think she is a non-person, or uninformed, or a liar, so be it! In this country even egotistical idiots such as you. Newt and the Donald have a right to their beliefs.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Not up to the challenge, eh?
Date:   2/6/2012 10:19:36 AM

Well I think you are lying about your so-called Republican friend and you can do it in private. If he or she really exists I would love to educate them because they need it. But I doubt you will ever do it because you are making it up like Dick Gephardt and his little imaginary friend. And if she does exist, which I doubt, she would probably be mortified to learn that you fabricated some position of hers on some forum to bolster your fatuous arguments. And Archie, it isn't egotistical if you are right which I am almost all the time. It just seems that way to people who believe so much that just isn't true which is the definition of the modern libtard. And as for my cartiod, it is just fine. I suspect that you are the one with high blood pressure over being called out on an obvious fabrication. Back to the jokes where you belong Archie.......

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Read Archie
Date:   2/6/2012 10:25:59 AM

If you want a fair comparison Archie, compare W's performance after the post 9/11 recession versus Oblamer's inept response to this one. It is in fact cherry picking to compare only a portion of W's presidency to the teleprompter in chief. The fact is that Oblamer has been an abysmal failure despite having three years to fix the problems. It is exactly because he is following almost eerily all the same mistakes made by FDR. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat....unfortunately it is the 1/3rd of working Americans that have completely given up ever finding a job that have the suffer. Obama is doing great and making millions while his policies devastate Americans, particularly the young and black Americans. Hopeless and change for the worse Archie....that's your man.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   MM
Date:   2/6/2012 2:52:21 PM

You can continue with your delusional rants 'til the Lord returns, you can continue to bully anyone who questions your opinions ad-infinitum, you can keep making a fool of yourself for eternity, you can continue to think I lie til the rivers run dry, but you can never get me to put a friend in the position to have to listen to any of it!

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Don't you mean your imaginary friend?
Date:   2/6/2012 4:30:52 PM

C'mon Archie, I will be gentle with her. I am really a lovable guy and if she actually exists, which I seriously doubt, she and I would probably get along great. As for the bully comment, are you and Hound repeating each other's posts? This is just like the government media that creates some template that they all repeat. Very strange..... As I pointed out to her refuting silly posts with facts hardly amounts to bullying. Now I will admit it is very disconcerting to libtards when their world view is refuted with facts and logic. I heard one today on the radio and his only response to some inconvenient facts was to accuse the host of confusing him with words. All I could do is laugh as it was a priceless response. Archie, if you really want the truth on the housing boom and bust I can refer you to several good books. And I can tell you they are not kind to the banks nor should they be. But they very thoroughly document how Fannie, Freddie and HUD distorted the markets. They also very carefully document how lenders took full advantage of those distortions to not only make a lot of money but to pay that risk off on others, mostly facilitated by Fannie and Freddie. Now if that's bullying it is sort of like me blowing on you on the playground and you running to the teacher crying, "MM hit me!!" Now really, buck up and be a man and take your medicine. How I have missed skewering you with the truth.......

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