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Name:   Lady - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Job Approval Remain High
Date:   4/1/2009 9:39:02 AM

The Washington Post reports in a front page story that the percentage of Americans who said the country is on the right track still stands at just 42 percent, but that is the highest percentage saying so in five years and marks a sharp turnabout from last fall, when as many as nine in 10 said the country was heading in the wrong direction. Two-thirds of Americans approve of the way Obama is handling the country's top job, and six in 10 give him good marks on issue No. 1, the flagging economy.
USA Today, meanwhile, reports on its website on the results of a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, noting 64% of those surveyed over the past three days said they approve of the job President Obama is doing vs. 30% who said they disapprove and 6% who said they have no opinion.

Name:   water_watcher - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Job Approval Remain High
Date:   4/1/2009 9:54:27 AM

Goes to show you how uninformed so many americans are. I would bet a higher percentage would not even know or understand the issues facing this country and if you went point by point without having the name or party associated with the issue, you would find totally different results.

My God ... I was watch Obama stubble over his words this morning and trying to answer simple questions without a teleprompter. He even at one point said "I was not briefed on that so I can not answer at this time". Then in talking about England he said the american people owe so much to England .... for what? They owe us ... we are the ones that saved their freedom in WWII from Germany.

Obama is a total joke.

Name:   Summer Lover - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Job Approval Remain High
Date:   4/1/2009 11:17:04 AM

We Americans have already proven that we are idiots by our voting. I just want to know how we fix a problem by spending money that we don't have and that our future generations will not be able to repay. We hear that the root cause of this is overspending, so we fix it by overspending?? We buy things that we want, but cannot afford - so why should we not expect the same from the Government? My wife and I handle our budget the responsible way (call me old-fashioned)- if we want something, we see if we can afford it - if we can't - we don't buy. Lady - how do you handle your budget - the responsible way or the Obama way. If you say that you are responsible - how can you possibly support the overspending?

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Enjoy it while it lasts
Date:   4/1/2009 1:06:39 PM

Yeah, I remember reveling in Bush's high approval ratings (he was over 60% for the first two and a half years of his presidency) and that with a hostile press corps. And it really only dropped after the Iraq war. I would also take little satisfaction in his current approval ratings given the fawning press coverage. The bloom will come off the rose eventually, especially as the mainstream media is shown to be AWOL as the alternate media informs the public about the truth.

As for the right track numbers I am sure that is almost entirely a result of the 30% leftists that love what he is doing and another 10% to 15% of voters who are still hoping for the best. All this with the aforesaid fawning press coverage. Any objective observer would conclude that we are not on the right track with higher unemployment, lower stock market, the prospect of $9 trillion in new debt, saber-rattling by North Korea and Iran and so on.

Name:   ALSCN - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Job Approval Remain High
Date:   4/1/2009 3:01:07 PM

(This was taken from Powerline)

In today's Rasmussen survey, President Obama's approval rating is down to 61 percent. There's nothing wrong with that, but there's nothing special about it, either. It's in line with what most Presidents have experienced near the beginning of their terms; slightly lower, actually, than George W. Bush's approval rating in the Gallup poll 60 days into his first term.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Don't burst her bubble!
Date:   4/1/2009 3:40:55 PM

She is convinced he is the second coming and 60% approval ratings are her justification for her vote. When the numbers decline as they most assuredly will she will be nowhere to be found.

Name:   water_watcher - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Job Approval Remain High
Date:   4/1/2009 4:20:57 PM

Don't deal in facts ... she can not handle that. She just wants to say everyone loves Obama and we all should just agree with how he is working to destroy this country's capitalist culture, double our national debt over the next 4 years that took 234 years to get to where it is today, while putting our nation at risk with his foreign policy and national security.

The only person he seems to be securing is himself .... he needs 500 people to travel with him to Europe ... give me a break. If GW did that the press would be all over him and not let up. Instead the press reports on it and when someone asks a question they defend it .... even though no president has ever traveled with that many aides and secret service.

Name:   ALSCN - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Job Approval Remain High
Date:   4/1/2009 5:02:42 PM

What gets me is I wonder how much all that travel is equating to. Of the tax payers money... So lets think about this for a second...

We will consider that they flew on Air Force One, and we will leave the price of JP8 out of the equation, but I can only imagine.

Going of of Dod Rates for 2003, too lazy to look up current... if they are staying, oh lets say 5 days because I really don't care... The 2003 rates were 230 lodging, 85 for meals, and 21 a day for incidentals.... okay so watch my math here, because that is not my strong poing.

230 +85+21 = $336 per person / per day

500 people x 336 = 168,000 per day

if they stay 5 days = 840,000 just for this one trip.

what a waste of money, and what scares me the most, is they are in London, what is going to happen when they have to go to a country that doesn't like us as much as the British do?

Wait, also he bought the Queen an ipod... so lets through that in as well.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Want to get really angry?
Date:   4/1/2009 5:31:10 PM

Do a little research on the size of the White House staff. While he is telling us all how we have to sacrifice in these tough times, is telling CEOs how they can travel, how much they can be paid, etc. he has increased the size of the White House staff well above where W had it.

Here's another funny quiz: How many teleprompters did he take to the G20. Hint: its more than one and is a surprisingly large number.

Hail to the Teleprompter in the way Medveded covered his mouth in laughter when Obama read off the teleprompter that we had made significant progress in our discussions with Russia. That will not get covered with the fawning press you can be sure. Its all over the blogosphere from the pajama media who watched the entire thing.

Name:   water_watcher - Email Member
Subject:   Obama Job Approval Remain High
Date:   4/1/2009 6:13:33 PM

You are joking right? First they could not all fit on AFO and even if they could they would not put them all on the same plane. Don't forget the press that travels with the president. Don't forget they also had to transport the presidents and several other limos. They also do not eat on a per diem.

He has the nerve to talk about CEO's traveling in private planes when they employ real people and pay real taxes ... Obama and his traveling companions are all paid off tax payer dollars.

This is beyond belief and goes to show how the liberals will scream about anything Bush did and defend Obama's wasteful spending and abuse of powers.

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   The Truth is
Date:   4/1/2009 6:46:57 PM

that Obama's approval ratings do remain high. He is personally popular, not just in the US but in the world. This is part of the normal honeymoon period that any new President gets. Whether that will continue remains to be seen. But on the news today, the Russians are willing to work with the US on a new nuclear agreement, and the Iranian minister at the G-20 greeted Ambassador Holbrook.

As far as his entourage to Europe. The President doesn't go anywhere without an entourage. Most of the team, other than the top players, do not ride on AF One. It takes a lot of people for these meetings, because while the President and his counter-parts are meeting, there are dozens of sub-meetings going on with the lesser illuminaries. That is where the real work gets done and the agreements get hammered out. Additionally, there is usually an advance team that goes over to hammer out all the details of the trip well before the President and Secretary of State get there.
Most of the time, the President does not just go to one place -- like the G-20, without visits to a number courtesy calls in other countries.
BTW, the President and the Secretary of State and their immediate staffs do not stay in hotels. They would be put up by the hosting government.
While expensive, it is considered very important for the President, particularly a new President to travel. It's a good diplomatic move.

Regarding the teleprompter. They all use them. There is no way that they could possibly memorize all those speeches -- in fact, the speeches are usually being tweaked right up until about an hour before they give them. The President will make anywhere from 5-6 speeches a day -- not all of them are for the press, and there is no way he can memorize them. I think you will find that Bush used a teleprompter too, and when he flew on his own was when he got in trouble. Dont' forget that every speech the President gives is important to someone, and they are analyzing every word.

Name:   ALSCN - Email Member
Subject:   The Truth is
Date:   4/1/2009 9:36:39 PM

Honestly Hound, you are going to defend the fact that 500 support staff had to go? I understand the importance of the G20 I have worked for the government for some time now. As I understand you did as well.. But I do find it extremely hard to believe that it takes 500 people to do it. I wonder how many GW would have taken before he got trashed by the media. My example above, was just that, an example. It was showing basic per diem rates for the country and the low projected amount for basic spending. But one thing is, yes it took multiple air craft along with tons of military personnel time which ulimately cost even more tax payers money to get this enormous and gaudy entourage to the UK. The spending amounts are getting way beyond control.. and it scares the living day lights out of me. The amount of money that has been spent in the last 60 days or I should say has been projected to be spent... what is going to happen for the rest of the term... if the first 2 months are any indication there is no way our country will ever dig itself out.

The truth is, practice what you preach. For some reason Obama thinks he can go against the values that this country was established on. For starters medling in business... that is NOT the job of the government. But somehow we have gone to a government who is giving loans on the basis that we tell you how to run your business... that's great thinking. So does that mean since we are borrowing so much from our Chinese friends that soon they will be telling us how to run our country?

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   The Truth is
Date:   4/1/2009 10:08:58 PM

Hound, that is exactly what I mean when I say you can't get your news from the mainstream media but you need to dig deeper. They baasically cherry pick a couple of positive items and ignore the plethora of negatives (protests, sneering at the President, Merkel lecturing Obama about going too far to the left, etc.). Honestly, do you really believe you are going to get a complete picture out of the media considering their love for the guy and having abandoned all pretense of onbjectivity during the campaign?

I never said anything about the entourage to the G20. It does seem excessive but I understand that 200 of them are Secret Service agents. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of his lecturing us about tightening our belts and criticizing executives about losses while he proposes multi-trillion dollar deficits while expanding the staff at the White House over previous administrations. This is typical for an socialist elitist like Obama who has one standard for everyone else and an entirely different one for himself.

As for the teleprompter, yes all Presidents use them. But I have never seen any of them use them at every single event like Obama. Face it, the guy is a disaster off the prompter resulting in off-color cracks about the Special Olympics that would have set the media on fire had something like that come from W and you know it. And that doesn't even address the multitudes of um's, uh's and ah's. You simply have a different standard for Obama than you did with Bush and you are not alone, that is also true for 99% of the media.

Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   The Truth is
Date:   4/1/2009 11:19:25 PM

I find it very, very difficult to believe that he has 500 staff members with him -- even 200 secret service seems excessive, and I wonder about the legitimacy of the numbers. Generally speaking, the host country would not permit a delegation of that size because of the burden to provide that much security.
I agree that the WH should be tightening their belts, and practicing what they preach. But, it would appear that Obama's message to the G-20 is that they will have to help with the global economy and I think that message would have to be delivered in person. As I understand it, he is also doing visits to other European countries while he is there.

Do you even know what the protestors were actually protesting? I saw signs for global warming, signs against capitalism, and other things not at all related to the global economy.
A former colleague of mine daughter graduated from college and went to work for Green Peace. Through him, I found out that there is a large network of groups that regularly show up at events -- everything from PETA to global warming to the World Bank to general groups that are against everything. The internet makes it really easy for them to find out and coordinate their participation at these events. So I don't put too much stock in the protests. In fact, one young man was filmed yelling that "they are using violence against children and 18 year olds".

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