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Spot Remover
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possible mycobacteriosis in striped bass hereenvir
10/25/2015 7:51:45 AM
Probably nothing to do with this disease, but as long as we have people acting like little, uneducated
biologists, putting non-native fish into Martin, we are open to bringing in carriers of diseases that could
drasticly alter our fishing environment (ie. blueback herring). Hopefully the culprits that susposedly did
this, will be caught and prosecuted.
Folks, we have to be vigilant on these releases and make sure the authorities are aware of who is doing
Like I said, and a little off topic, this probably has nothing to do with mycobacteriosis, if we do have something
possiblyaffecting our fish.
But with our pseudo biologists, and all of the geese spreading cultures of various bacteria, there is no wonder
that we may have problems in the future.
By gawd, leave this stocking to the professionals like Auburn.