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Maine Aroostook County Region
Aroostook County, Maine - It?s a place so big, with so much to offer, that local Mainers have a fitting name for it: The County.
But once you get a taste of everything there is to experience here, in Maine?s northernmost and largest county, you might remember Aroostook County best by its other nickname: The Crown of Maine.
There?s a different type of resilient adventure up here, where the seasons seem to compete for your attention. As the crown county rotates with the seasons, its paths bring a renewed excitement as well.
In the winter you?ll glide through two thousand miles of snowmobile trails, and do some snowshoeing along the way, perhaps. In the summer, you?ll race through a thousand miles of ATV trails, or meander along the hiking trails that rejuvenate you with every step.
You?ll travel from town to beautiful town, and from trail to breathtaking trail. And you?ll find a different joy in each beginning and each end. But up here, it?s truly the journey you?ll enjoy the most, through 3.5 million acres of forests that seem to stretch into an infinite path of your own.
You might discover Maine?s ?Million Dollar View? between Danforth and Orient, with the glorious Mount Katahdin on your left, and a soothing horizon of calm lakes on your right. Or you might find yourself smiling and paddling, on a canoe trip, exploring 92 miles of ponds and rivers that form the Allagash Wilderness Waterway.
And you?ll find treasures in the towns here, too. It might be a restored Victorian train museum, or a historic 1839 Blockhouse, or a market square that holds its original charm. There?s a modern life up here and a well-preserved history, but you can be assured a warm and friendly welcome from the residents of Maine?s northern-most county.