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Maine Downeast and Acadia Region
The first rays of dawn illuminate the West Quoddy Lighthouse each morning before reaching any other point in the U.S. Located in Lubec, it?s the easternmost lighthouse in the country. Since Maine is the first state to see the sunrise each morning, we consider it our duty to make every day extraordinary. Visit Maine?s DownEast & Acadia Region, to see just how well we deliver on this promise.
Rising up from the coastal city of Bar Harbor, the beauty of Acadia?s Cadillac Mountain is like no other. There?s the clear blue Atlantic Ocean and its bays, with tree-lined mountains that rise triumphantly from the water along the coast as far as the eye can see. On a clear day atop this mountain, you?ll be able to see nearly 100 miles.
Cadillac is just one of the many mountains of Mount Desert Island, and just one of the many stunning sites found within Acadia National Park. Explore every inch of the park on 120 miles of hiking trails and 55 miles of Rockefeller-built carriage roads.
The communities surrounding the Bays of Passamaquoddy and Cobscook are built on an unbreakable bond with the sea. A central hub for everything nautical, the waves of Pasamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays lap the shores of Eastport where you?ll find a quaint coastal town with a thriving arts scene that happens to house the East Coast?s deepest port and America?s only remaining mill producing stone ground mustard.
North of Acadia, the village of Grand Lake Stream is home to the most concentrated population of Registered Maine Guides in the state. It is truly an outdoor enthusiast?s paradise and offers its visitors unparalleled fishing and hunting opportunities, as well as an ideal location for relaxing nature appreciation.
And then there are the picturesque island towns of Deer Isle and Stonington, home to both a notable percentage of the state?s lobster boats and the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts.